Sunday 15 July 2007

Hey, you got your inanity in my nonsense!

The Christians have been finding themselves facing all sorts of weirdness lately, and it ain't the atheists.

Psychics in Matamata have been giving them a run for their money, offering up a number of services that the Christians find highly dubious. Here are two example quotes:
"I think it's deceptive really, that's my personal opinion. They start with the impression they are trying to help."
"We would believe there is a danger, depending on people's vulnerability and psychological condition."
Now, your quiz is to tell which side was saying what...

But we all know America was founded on Christian values, so I guess we can understand when Christian activists tried to disrupt a Hindu prayer in the Senate. As PZ (whom I'm linking to) points out: "The only part I liked was the request to lead us from the unreal to the real, which is exactly what I say all the time. Only I don't address it to an unreal superman living in hearts."

Ah, but at least we know the carious branches of Christianity can live together. Well, actually, only Roman Catholics is the right path, according to the Pope who goes on to point out all the defects in the other flavours of Christianity. But it's good to know that "These separated churches and communities, though we believe they suffer from defects, are deprived neither of significance nor importance in the mystery of salvation."

If only we could really tell which lack of critical thinking was the right way to go...

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