Sunday 19 August 2007

Be SCARED, damn you!

The theme of the recent TAM meeting was "Skepticism and the media." Yesterday, we got a great example of the media in action, and exactly the sort of thing we need to take a rational approach to. Now, I'm not downplaying the concept of the article, just how it was presented. With the capitals as they were, allow me to point you to the article that is:

In the MIND of a child MOLESTER

YES! A child MOLESTER! Right now, your very child could be being MOLESTERed, as they sleep in their bed! Panic! PANIC! Children being MOLESTERed! In the MIND! In! The! MIND!!! By a MOLESTER!!!!!

Don't think!! Just act!!! Without thinking!!!!

Oh, and but our paper to find out about it (the MOLESTER's MIND!), and also read all our ads and buy all that crap, because just HAVE AN EMOTIONAL REACTION!!!!!!!

Finding out how pedophiles think, and presenting that, is very valid research. But when the paper is merely presenting it in a sensationalist format, the immediately obvious question is: do they care about the topic, or only want people to get a copy and then buy the ads?

The answer happens to be the latter, if they are honest, as the primary aim. And that is why the media can't be trusted, largely, to present any story properly. Be afraid. Not only of pedophiles, but of people who think they can make a buck by shoving them in your face.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, myself and Sha had quite a laugh at the tabloid style headlines on the Saturday paper and assume it was done purely to boost sales. We have also noticed that the Stuff website seems to be going rapidly downhill too...

Don't get me wrong I'm not making light of pedophiles here...just, as you say, the way this sensationalist journalism has been presented.