Wednesday 9 April 2008

DW Review: Peacemaker

Last of the lot, Peacemaker by James Swallow. And, despite language similarities, it is not a Doctor Who/Firefly cross over.

While using many tropes of the typical Western, James does manage to give us a story that is interestingly original. There are two stories, that of Alvin Godlove and the people that he helps (and the consequences they then have to face), but both plots develop well and intertwine nicely as one full-on story. It's not an expansive story, the world isn't threatened, and to be fair the threat isn't much more than a handful of people, but the personal nature of events make for engaging reading. (Although I would have liked to see the cover happen in the book.)

There's not a lot of character development, the characters we met pretty much stay that way for the book, but they manage to be more than one-dimensional at that so I'm not minding. I'm including the Doctor and Martha here, but in some ways they aren't incredibly detailed personalities in the series either (all that 45 minute episodes aren't that easy for showing in-depth motivations).

A straightforward and decent story all told, and a pleasant way to while away the time.

Order: after the other two.


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