Wednesday 24 September 2008

The Chronicles of Risan: Part the Eighth

Rather than continue with our task of last week, we instead are called to the island of... can't remember, as the women rulers are having problems with their Elite guards going missing (not to mention some men, but, eh.). While in the city, we spotted some robed dark skinned, white haired chaps wandering around, but didn't immediately get that they were Drow and the ones behind them all. However, those with more knowledge than some of us were all too happy to explain more than we wanted to know.

We ventured into a cave, us wee band of two rangers, warlord, wizard, no warlock, no paladin, but also with new Dwarven fighter. She proved to be very useful, presuming she could actually hit, which did prove rather difficult.

Anyways, after we entered, we saw our first Drow fighters, but they also had with them human men who mindlessly attacked us with clubs. Fortunately, we were able to knock them unconscious with fire magic (!?), leaving us with Drow smackdown, and indeed down was smacked. The men we threw back (to the city, that is).

Presented with four doors, behind door number one was a prize, namely a guard prisoner (but not Elite guard) and she told us that she was captured and her compadres killed, their remains thrown next door. Next door was indeed some remains eating beasties that liked being either spectral or invisible. Damned annoying that. Took us a while, but we got rid of them as well.

That left two doors, with big monsters behind each. Fortunately, we were able to arrange for the two groups of monsters to eat each other first, and then we stepped in and wiped out the remains. A very successful tactic!

Progressing further, we encountered more Drow, including one magic user who was a severe nuisance. More fighting (is there anything else we do), and here the Dwarf really proved useful, either taking out or otherwise occupying the bad guys so we could try more effective routes. However, we were pretty drained by then, and so we await another chance to go in further...


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