Tuesday 22 June 2010

Close The Gates

Another series kicked off: The Gates. The basic concept of "supernatural crime drama" sounds like something I wanted to see. But then I looked at the character description. Let me give one as an example "Brett Crezski, the typical popular high school athlete, who is Andie's boyfriend and a werewolf."

Um... oh dear... alarm bells are ringing... and they are saying "soap opera!"

And so I watched the pilot. Unfortunately, I was right. There was a little sense of "crime mystery", but a whole heap helping of "supernatural soap opera". Especially with the teens of course. Thank you so much Stephenie Meyer.

Oh, and we also know lots of details about who is what, so when I said "mystery", not so much.

Pilot episode... and I'm done with it... still, plenty more series to check out...



Anonymous said...

Open The Gates, please!

Jamas Enright said...

I admit I'm leaping recklessly to conclusions based on one episode, after whic everything was probably changed wildly by the producers... but I have enough stuff and if it is a cult hit, I can come back to it.

(That said, although Tru Blood is supposed to be a cult hit, I have no intention of ever watching it again...)