Saturday 7 January 2012

Rub Lovingly

Due to a short time of walking in jandals, I now have sore feet. Yay for that. Thus, on the advice of my podiatrist, I got Anti-Flamme. A rather expensive wee pot of goop.

The problem with goop is that when you start rubbing it in, it doesn't exactly get immediately absorbed, and so you are left with goop on your hands and, due to the application, goop on your feet. Where are you supposed to put your feet once you've finished rubbing goop on them? On the carpet? Who knows what fluff and stuff will be sticking to your foot then.

And you do need to put your foot down, because you need to rub goop into both feet, and unless you are a yoga master, you can't have both feet off the ground at once.

And after all that, you have goop on your hands still and goop other places, because the goop just gets everywhere!

But, the best part about all this are the instructions. I will now quote the best part: "Take a liberal amount and rub lovingly."

When applying medication, nothing like that medically precise instruction to "rub lovingly." Go forth and "rub lovingly" everyone!


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