Friday 1 July 2016

Moonbase 3.4

Ah, the pressure of scientific progress in the face of monetary justification.

This episode focuses on Pete and Stephen as they try to complete scientific experiments to help justify the presence of the Moonbase. However, Stephen's experiments aren't exactly running according to schedule, and Pete is having problems actually caring. One is successful, and the other is... less so. But face must be saved, despite whatever happens.

Another episode that doesn't cover the usual sort of topics. This is all about the thrill of scientific endeavour, and the pressures that places on people. Do they knuckle down? Or do they decide there is something better in life? This presents both views, without taking any side on which is better. This features some great acting from the two scientist characters' actors, with just holding on to them staring away or pensively. [This also features more dodgy effects, the main one here being the pouring of some kind of metal, which fills up the container... and then is left to spill all over the floor. Er, what?]

Good episode, but they can't all be perfect.


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