Friday 28 April 2017

Wonder Second Falls

This has an opener that shows off how great the coincidences are. A pink flamingo tells Jaye to get off her arse, and she accidentally causes the car to crash into her father who ends up in hospital (and it will turn out that a random test will reveal something dangerous that is well caught now).

The bulk of the episode is around Jaye sort of helping old school frenemy Gretchen throw an early school reunion and must help then tear her down. We get to see Jaye just give up an accept her role (in a hilarious way of course), and then, of course, it works out in a way you wouldn't expect, but it does work out. We also get Jaye's sister is hooking up with her new girlfriend although she does so at home when her sick father is there.

There are some great one liners in this, and this episode features Chelan Simmons, whom you've probably seen in something. (Later she would return as a character with the same name in Hannibal, and considering that Bryan Fuller likes making an extended universe, this is likely the same character.)

This is a good character building episode.


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